Saturday, October 23, 2010

This is to have Succeeded

I had a Chapter Leader Summit Meeting last weekend at Gonzaga University ( my alma mater!) Someone sitting next to me asked me what I did for a living so I told them, artist, calligrapher. She said, oh, I have a job for you. And this was it. Thanks, Molly!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Dream On . . .

I found this quotation in some of my papers recently. It did not scan all that well which I don't understand but I like what it says and hope you do too. Never, ever, ever, give up on your dreams! Have a happy Sunday!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Book of Herbs

This week I have been working on a small, accordion book of herbs. It just sounded fun! So here is one of the little pages for you to look at. It is definitely fall in my part of the world, a beautiful sunny day but a little chilly. Hope you are having a great day too!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Trust in the Name of the Lord

This has been my favorite verse of the summer. In the midst of buying a new house and (still) trying to sell an old house, I am trusting in the name of the Lord my God!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Leaving a Place That You Love

I think this is a beautiful thought. We put down roots of love, of friendship, of nurturing and care, everywhere we are. Leaving is hard but it is also a joy to go. We are SO blessed with family, friends and love in many places.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Yearly Desk Calendar

Here is a little peek at my yearly desk top calendar. I pick a theme ( this year it is butterflies) and then find 12 quotes and hand letter each one and then hand paint an illustration to go with the quote. Then I send them to the printer. I hope you enjoy this small peek, have a great week!