One of my really good college friends was another artist named Jim. We edited our Gonzaga yearbook together for two years and then I took over for him after he graduated. 20 years ago, Jim became a Catholic Priest. I designed this heart and cross artwork for him at that time because he is such a loving, giving "heart person" and always sacrifices for others. He is having a great 20th anniversary this summer and wanted to have this Scripture verse as his theme. The translation of this verse comes from the New Jerusalem Bible and I have always loved it. " To act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly," what could be better? I thought it might be nice printed on red paper. I think I'm going to try that. Have a great day!
this is beautiful, jan, and i love the story that goes with it! congratulations to your friend on his anniversary.....i know he will love this heartfelt gift from you!! xox, :))