As you will read from 2 blogs ago, this weekend I took part in an outside show. It was described as an "Art and Craft Show" with over " 30 arts and crafts vendors!" I believed that, when will I learn to ask the right kind of questions. Most of the booths had large antique furniture and knick knacks and there were also several commercial booths: Scentsy candles, 31 totes and Miche purses plus a booth selling just fabric.
It is not that I did not sell anything, I did sell a little but two of my biggest sales were friends of mine. Part of the joy of showing my work is having people fall in love with it. It is the oohing and the awh-ing that always makes me so happy. Most of the people did not even stop to look or read. And if they did stop to look at a greeting card, they were shocked at the price. Quality handmade items made with expensive materials cannot begin to compete with items made in China.
it is not that people were not buying. I saw many large pieces of furniture being carried out the gates. It did not even dawn on me until this morning that possibly most of the customers that came to this show were antique D-E-A-L-E-R-S!
And ok, it really was my very LAST outside show. The hot sun put moisture inside the bags of my journals and sayings. I could not believe it. Especially on a hot, dry day, you would not think that paper items inside plastic could "sweat" but "sweat" they did. Not good for my paper products. Every day I keep learning!
So sorry that the show did not pan out as you had hoped. :( I hope your artwork wasn't damaged by the condensation. Hugs to you!
ReplyDeleteOh that is so soul destroying...indeed asking the questions beforehand would have been helpful...antiques are not crafts by any stretch of the imagination! I so know how it feels to have your work rubbished....that walking by with the dirty look thrown at your work is so hard to take. What a waste of time that was...I have experienced that too...and although there were fairs where I did awfully well many a time I can never forget the bad ones.....age caught up with me and I just told myself that all the work behind the scenes was not worth the effort for folk who didn't appreciate art in it's truest forms. I only work to order nowadays and personalise cards which makes them attractive. I just seem to have found that niche which is so hard to come by. I take it then that the indoor fairs are still worth taking part in?
ReplyDeleteHi, Joyce, thank you for your comment and Donna too! I hope indoor fairs are still going to be good. Only doing two this fall so I will see what they are like, I guess. Ages is catching up with me too, I guess, I get much more flattened after a weekend than I used to be! Today I am like a pancake! Going to try selling on my website next. I hope it will be launching tomorrow! Thanks again for your comments, I appreciate you!
ReplyDeleteI hope your work has dried without damage Jan! Here's hoping someone, or two or three picked up your business card and will be contacting you this fall to do commission work for Christmas gifts. At least the view was nice - the surrounding area looks beautiful!